Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Bowling vs. Northwestern HS School
2.0 years ago @ 8:12PM
- Game Date
- Dec 1, 2022
- Score
- FALCONSGraham Local Schools: 3001.00
Another good night, Graham boys Varsity and JV beat Northwestern . Varsity won 3001 to 2616 Daniel Evans had a two game total of 434, Peyton Schweirking had two game total of 445, Ayden Tudor had two game total of 415 and led by Spencer Hannahs two games of 247, 244 for a total of 491 . Boys JV won 2008 to 1880 with high games of 202 for will stover and 203 for jj Henry. Graham varsity girls beat Northwestern Varsity girls 2195 to 2022. Again there was no girls jv match--